Music Curriculum Leader: Mrs Cavli

MUSIC – Extended Curriculum and Enrichment

The Friars Primary School has a Key Stage 2 choir which performs at significant events in the school calendar. Every year the choir is proud to participate in Young Voices at Manchester Arena.

All children in Years 3-6 have the opportunity to enrol in our after-school violin, viola, ukelele and flute lessons, which are delivered by MAPAS.

All children (from Nursery to Year 6) have the opportunity to perform in concerts to the parents throughout the year (Harvest concert, Christmas concert, Nativity show, Year 6 Leaver’s assembly, Friars’ Got Talent etc).

This year, every class in the school will participate in an instrumental music workshop (Djembe, Bamboo Tamboo or Samba) funded by a generous donation from The Sylvia Swiffin Trust.

Year 5 take part in the ‘Harmonise’ project run by Refugee & Asylum Seeker Musicians culminating in a performance of songs from a range of cultures at The Bridgewater Hall in Manchester.